Health & Wellness

Employer Clinic and Wellness

Employer health and wellness centers can be an effective way to reduce medical cost, while providing quality healthcare. Visiting the Center is a convenient, no cost experience for the plan members. And since patients have access to coaches, the opportunity for engagement and prevention will never be better. More than ever before, employers are beginning to adopt primary care, health and wellness centers as a resource for addressing chronic conditions and lowering medical claim cost.

Depending on your specific goals, a health and wellness center can be on-site or nearby. Employees experience little or no waiting times and medication is dispensed on site. If patients are able to return to work, the entire experience takes about 30 minutes. If you are an employee, a visit to the center is close and convenient. From the perspective of the company and depending on your particular industry, you can imagine the savings associated with productivity.

LGIS has learned that clinics are an engine that drives wellness ideas and provides resources and accountability for your workers and their families. By listening to and understanding your medical and wellness objectives, we can evaluate together if a health and wellness center would be a cost effective resource.

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