Health & Wellness

Medical benefits represent the second highest cost, for most companies. Year after year the cost trend has steadily increased. LGIS understands the problem you are faced with when it comes to managing your health benefits. Not only do we have the ability to introduce a variety of resources, we are passionate about working with you to build the right strategy. Let’s face it: to bend the cost trend we have to change both perception and behavior at all levels within the organization.

We have an overarching belief that companies can reduce medical benefits costs, and engage plan members in more effective wellbeing. The decision to practice prevention, healthy diet and exercise are personal choices that can only be made at the individual level. On the other hand, we understand how to engage plan members around this discussion, while providing an assortment of resources that allow your members to get started. We concentrate on four key component of an effective wellness program: using data to discover what needs to be addressed within the population, design the most comprehensive program, educate plan members with a variety of resources, and finally get them engaged around the value of wellness.